[oi-dev] Stalled on getting LibreOffice to work

Peter Tribble peter.tribble at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 19:39:56 UTC 2013

I'm essentially stalled on getting LibreOffice working on some Illumos

I'm not necessarily expecting that anyone is just going to come back
with a fix, but LibreOffice *is* an important application that we're
So if anyone can give a hint, then great; if not then the data below might
help someone else get further.

(OK, so I'm running Tribblix, but the primary difference there is that I
can slap
arbitrary versions of prerequisites together.)

So, with LibreOffice 4 I can get a build. My configure step looks like:

./autogen.sh --without-java --with-system-hunspell --with-system-curl
--with-system-libpng --with-system-clucene --with-system-libxml
--with-system-jpeg --with-system-cairo --with-gnu-cp=/usr/gnu/bin/cp
--with-gnu-patch=/usr/gnu/bin/patch --disable-gconf --without-doxygen
--with-system-openssl --with-system-nss --disable-python
--with-system-orcus --with-system-mdds --with-system-boost
--with-system-expat --with-system-zlib --with-system-poppler
--disable-postgresql-sdbc --with-system-icu --with-system-libwpd
--with-system-libwpg --with-system-libwps --with-system-libmspub
--with-system-neon --disable-odk

As you can see, I've built and installed many things separately (rather than
letting them be built by LibreOffice, which tends to do it wrong) disabled
much as I can to stop the build failing in extraneous areas, and have gcc
4.7.2. There are a handful of patches:

== ./sal/osl/unx/file.cxx ==
> #include <sys/types.h>
< #elif defined SOLARIS
> #elif defined SOLARISOPTIONAL
== ./extensions/Library_ldapbe2.mk ==
>       -L/usr/lib/mps \
>       -R/usr/lib/mps \
== ./vcl/unx/generic/app/salinst.cxx ==
<     #ifdef SOLARIS
>     #ifdef SOLARISNOT
== ./solenv/gbuild/platform/com_GCC_defs.mk ==
< gb_AWK := awk
> gb_AWK := gawk


gsed s'/CppunitTest_sc_ucalc//'                   -i sc/Module_sc.mk
gsed s'/CustomTarget_uno_test//'                  -i
gsed s'/CppunitTest_sc_subsequent_filters_test//' -i sc/Module_sc.mk
gsed s'/CppunitTest_sc_subsequent_export_test//'  -i sc/Module_sc.mk
gsed s'/CppunitTest_sw_macros_test//'             -i sw/Module_sw.mk
gsed s'/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_odfexport//'    -i sw/Module_sw.mk

Now, I'm guessing that one of the failed unit tests (frankly, probably
the uno one) is causing grief.

Anyway, I can get a clean build, with

env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mps:`pwd`/solver/unxsogi.pro/libLD_ALTEXEC=/usr/gnu/bin/ld
PATH=/usr/gnu/bin:$PATH gmake

I can install it (manually fixing up some odd missing symlinks and
copied libraries), and even open a document. However, as soon as I try and
do anything it crashes on me. So I'm *almost* there, and just need to fix
up whatever the crash is. For what it's worth (and this is way out of my
comfort zone - I'm a sysadmin, not a C++ programmer) the stack trace from
the core follows:

core 'core' of 8452:    /usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin
HRS-hotels.doc --splash
-----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  --------------------
 feaa3165 _lwp_kill (1, 6, 8046314, feb11000, feb11000, fe4a8960) + 15
 fea3ffbb raise    (6, 0, 80462fc, fee4ba7c, 0, 0) + 2b
 fea1ba2e abort    (8a04230, 1, 2, feb12c20, fea322c9, 85354f0) + 10e
 fee1ece5 _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv (6, 0, fe6393e0,
8046428, 6, fee1abd8) + 155
 fee1b9c7 _ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE (fee1eb90, fa002a30, 8a04200,
fee4ba7c, fee1ba09, fee4ba7c) + 17
 fee1ba22 ???????? (8a04230, 8a05848, 40310000, 8046428, fe61f1e0, 8083e28)
 fee1bd38 __cxa_rethrow (fe94eb59, f8c7e218, 80464f8, f8c76e0c, fe9cdd98,
0) + 58
 fe94eb67 ???????? (fe9cdd98, 0, f8c7e218, 80464f8, f8c76c46, 808d270)
(0, 4, 808d270, 0, 0, 0) + 23c
(8a01768, 8547250, 0, 0, 80465e4, 0) + 499
 fe950bec _ZN4cppu18getCaughtExceptionEv (80466d4, f1e59920, 80466a8, 0,
333, f1e59934) + 38c
 f752a5cc _ZN9framework13PresetHandler26getOrCreateRootStorageUserEv
(8046788, 8821b38, 8046718, fef69b4c, f9fa1180, f15924e8) + abc
(8821b38, 1, 80468b0, f1590fb4, 80468bc, 80468e0) + 113
(f1590f0c, 8046afc, f9fa71e8, fea97dbd, f9fa1300, 8084028) + 244
(8046b00, f1e32c2c, 8046afc, f8c58b9c, 64, 85451a0) + 92
(8046b00, f1e32bf8, 8046afc, f8c58b9c, 808d270, f68a9008) + 65
(8046b00, f8c58b50, 8046b30, 8046afc, f8c58b9c, 0) + 58
(8046b00, f8c58b50, 8046b30, 8046afc, 333, feebc080) + 2e
(8046c7c, f1e311ec, 8046ca8, 0, 333, feebc080) + 827
(8046fd0, 8046ebc, f77689d7, f7769080, 8046ec4, 8046da8) + 234d
(8046ec4, f159631c, 8046fd0, 8046ebc, feebc490, feebc080) + 10f
(8046ec4, f6698ce8, 8046fd0, 8046ebc, feebc0a0, 8046f28) + 2d3
(8046f44, f7107ca0, 8046fd0, fef3951a, fef69b4c, 0) + 27f
 f75c6c05 _ZN9framework13LayoutManager13createElementERKN3rtl8OUStringE
(f7107ca0, 8046fd0, 20, 0, feebc490, feebc080) + 475
 fe49948a _ZN13SfxDispatcher12SetMenu_ImplEv (87e6510, feebc0a0, 804705c,
86f1fe8, feebc490, feebc080) + 21a
 fe49bb91 _ZN13SfxDispatcher11Update_ImplEh (87e6510, 1, 1, fe04b623,
fec80a88, fef804c0) + 2d1
 fe182e3e _ZN14SfxApplication17SetViewFrame_ImplEP12SfxViewFrame (8540cb0,
8824890, 0, 8047140, fe46cff9) + 29e
 fe46d016 _ZN12SfxViewFrame12SetViewFrameEPS_ (8824890, 88235d0, fa002a40,
fe57066c, 87e6b00, 8047200) + 26
 fe46d23a _ZN12SfxViewFrame15MakeActive_ImplEh (8824890, 1, 80471a8,
fd07aa44, 87e6b00, 8047200) + 14a
 fe44b227 _ZN19SfxFrameWindow_Impl8GetFocusEv (87e6b00, 87e6b00, 0, 0,
fbd1e5e8, 86e94f0) + 97
 fd06b3ab _ZN6Window13ImplGrabFocusEt (87e6b00, 0, 8047248, fd202f7c,
fd06b409) + 61b
 fd06b425 _ZN6Window9GrabFocusEv (87e6b00, 1, fa002a40, fea970ca, 8059cb8,
0) + 25
 fd07bc88 _ZN6Window17ImplAsyncFocusHdlEPv (86e6950, 0, 0, fbd73629,
80472c0) + 178
 fd07be44 _ZN6Window25LinkStubImplAsyncFocusHdlEPvS0_ (86e6950, 0, 80472d8,
fbd1d5e8, 0, 1) + 24
 fd07eddb _Z19ImplWindowFrameProcP6WindowP8SalFrametPKv (854feb8, 8550168,
16, 8a015c8, 804bb80, fd202f7c) + 170b
 fd08242b _ZN17SalGenericDisplay21DispatchInternalEventEv (806bae8, 0,
80474d8, f9da9014, f9da9014, 8049f60) + 9b
 f9d58529 _ZN7GtkData11userEventFnEPv (804bb80, 0, feaa2dc5, fbd1d5e8,
806b418, fbd1e814) + 99
 f9d585b3 call_userEventFn (804bb80, 8047530, 10, fbc54bcd) + 33
 fbc54c05 g_idle_dispatch (8a02c68, f9d58580, 804bb80, 8047584) + 44
 fbc52c9b g_main_dispatch (806b418, 86aefd8, 80475e8, fbc5346c) + 130
 fbc53494 g_main_context_dispatch (806b418, ffffff9c, 86aefd8, 0) + 32
 fbc5361d g_main_context_iterate (806b418, 0, 1, 86328c0, 806b418,
fbd1d5e8) + 173
 fbc536d6 g_main_context_iteration (0, 0, 4d7a, 395d266, 143a, fcc27620) +
 f9d581ec _ZN7GtkData5YieldEbb (804bb80, 1, 0, fd202f7c, fd20d1e0) + cc
 f9d58784 _ZN11GtkInstance5YieldEbb (804de18, 1, 0, a8d8, fcd7307c, 0) + 34
 fcd72fcb _ZN11Application5YieldEb (0, 0, 0, fcd7304a, fef18128, 85341b0) +
 fcd7307c _ZN11Application7ExecuteEv (1, 1, 0, 0, 333, feb11000) + 3c
 feeb60d1 _ZN7desktop7Desktop4MainEv (8047a0c, fcd33c80, 1, fcc166d0,
fcd7b0c0, fec40018) + 1841
 fcd7b91a _Z10ImplSVMainv (80479cc, fefc3270, fee80018, 5d0, feeec84d, 0) +
 fcd7bc75 _Z6SVMainv (fef19320, fef19320, 333, 0, 333, fef804c0) + 35
 feeec84d soffice_main (3, 8047aa0, 8047a5c, 8047a78, feffb0a4, 8047a5c) +
 0804895d main     (3, 8047aa0, 8047ab0, 8048992, 8048c60, 0) + 2d
 080489f3 _start   (3, 8047ba0, 8047bcf, 8047bde, 0, 8047bee) + 83
-----------------  lwp# 2 / thread# 2  --------------------
 fea9e5e9 __lwp_park (f9f5ef18, f9fa41c8, 0, 0, 0, fefce8e7) + 19
 fea98764 cond_wait_queue (fef6c2a0, fef6c140, f9f5ef18, fea7be9a, 3,
f9f5eeb8) + 5f
 fea98a32 cond_wait_common (fef6c2a0, fef6c140, f9f5ef18, fea983c2,
f9fa4268, 0) + 27b
 fea98c16 __cond_timedwait (fef6c2a0, fef6c140, f9f5efa8, 0, feb11000, a) +
 fea98cdc cond_timedwait (fef6c2a0, fef6c140, f9f5efa8, fef69b4c, f364b180,
fef69b4c) + 35
 fea98d2c pthread_cond_timedwait (fef6c2a0, fef6c140, f9f5efa8, 0, a,
f364b268) + 2b
 fef38a87 _ZL22rtl_cache_wsupdate_allPv (a, 0, 0, 0) + 97
 fea9e3fd _thrp_setup (f9e50240) + 88
 fea9e590 _lwp_start (f9e50240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 4 / thread# 4  --------------------
 feaa2335 __so_accept (a, 0, 0, 1) + 15
 fe82c469 accept   (a, 0, 0, 17c0, feee8235, 8534a00) + 23
 fef2c63b osl_acceptPipe (8534f88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 3b
 feee8235 _ZN7desktop15OfficeIPCThread7executeEv (8534a00, 85353b0,
f9f8f600, 0, fef69b4c, 8534a08) + 25
 fec73f8d _ZN9salhelper6Thread3runEv (8534a00, 85353b0, fef324ad, fef69b4c,
85353a0, 85353a0) + 2d
 fe5fc1c2 threadFunc (8534a08, 85353b0, f7a5ffc8, fea9d53b, feb17ac0,
fa002000) + 12
 fef32889 osl_thread_start_Impl (85353a0, 0, 0, 0) + 189
 fea9e3fd _thrp_setup (f9e51a40) + 88
 fea9e590 _lwp_start (f9e51a40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 5 / thread# 5  --------------------
 feaa2c75 __pollsys (f666ee38, 1, f666ee08, 0, 86f4e08, 2) + 15
 fea3d196 poll     (f666ee38, 1, 3e8, feb11000, 0, f6694a20) + 66
 f9326f99 _ZN3x1116SelectionManager13dispatchEventEi (f6694840, 3e8,
fef194f0, 0, f92e649b, f92c0018) + 129
 f932715b _ZN3x1116SelectionManager3runEPv (f6694840, 8700348, fef324ad,
fef69b4c, f93274b9) + 17b
 f93274cd call_SelectionManager_run (f6694840, 8700348, f666efc8, fea9d53b,
feb17ac0, fa002000) + 1d
 fef32889 osl_thread_start_Impl (8700338, 0, 0, 0) + 189
 fea9e3fd _thrp_setup (f9e52240) + 88
 fea9e590 _lwp_start (f9e52240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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