[oi-dev] oi_151a9 roadmap & planning

Joerg Schilling Joerg.Schilling at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Wed Feb 12 13:28:47 UTC 2014

Jonathan Adams <t12nslookup at gmail.com> wrote:

> *Joerg Schilling* wrote:
> "I am not sure whether you are aware about the fact that OpenSoaris has few
> contributors and that Illumos is trying to frighten developers by not being
> a sure partner you may trust"

Wow, a reply after more than 5 months....

> Please take that with a pinch of salt. Joerg is an experienced and prolific
> programmer, who has done great things and is very supportive of Solaris ...
> but he doesn't like Garrett, and because he sees the Illumos fork as a
> project implemented by Garrett, doesn't play well with Illumos.

You may either missinterpret things or you are incorrectly informed.

Claiming that I don't like Garret is not correct. It is however most probable 
that Garret does not like me. What happened is that Garret promised me, before 
Illumos was created, that Illumos will definitely integrate e.g. star (star 
integration was planned and approved by Sun for Solaris-10 on initiative by Sun 
- not me). After Garret publically announced Illumos, he was no longer 
interested in his promise. This caused Illumos to become implausible as a 

> He has been asked to contribute on many occasions, and his response isn't
> to create diff/patches it is to say "you should just use my version of the
> program" ... not even explaining the differences or why you should use his
> program.

This is wrong - sorry.

There was a webrev for star integration but Garret just ignored it. If you are
interested in the credibility of the Illumos project and you have influence on 
the project, you could make the promise happen. To do this, you may take the 
current code from the SchilliX-ON code repository and integrate it into 

> Schillix has 2 contributors, neither of which is paid to work on the
> project so cannot devote much time to it.

SchilliX currently has three contributors. You are correct, nobody is payed for 
this purpose.

> OpenSXCE has 1 contributor, and because of the way that that project is set
> up, it can only have 1 contributor, and as much love and respect as we can
> give from this community to Martin, he needs to go and get a job and start
> eating.

If I am informed correctly, TribbliX also is a 1 contributor project.

> PS. if you go to Schillix you will find that your ZFS is no longer
> compatible with either Illumos/*BSD/Linux or even with Oracle Solaris for
> that matter, both have major enhancements, although both differ slightly.

The problem with OpenZFS is that is does not have an own code repository. In 
addition, I have not yet been able to find the documentation of the general 
method used for implementing enhancements. Once I could review this method and
it turns out that the current OpenZFS code still fits into OpenSolaris, I am 
willing to upgrade. 

Collaboration is a result of promises and credibility by implementing said 
promises. Collaboration is also a result of compromises. If you are not 
willing to make compromises, you try to dictace what other people may do and
this is not compatibile with collaboration.

I am open for a collaboration for OpenSolaris as long as there is room for 
different goals in the different distros.


 EMail:joerg at schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       js at cs.tu-berlin.de                (uni)  
       joerg.schilling at fokus.fraunhofer.de (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily

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