[oi-dev] OpenIndiana Code of Conduct

WebDawg webdawg at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 14:13:26 UTC 2016

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 5:00 AM, Adam Števko <adam.stevko at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> any more comments on this?
> http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Code+of+Conduct+proposals - Modified
> proposed version
> http://wiki.openindiana.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=31391953 -
> Nikola’s version
> Cheers,
> Adam
Do you really want a group of people assigned to disciplining people, in
the dark?  How about anonymous complaints, but on an open forum?  There
should be a POC to complain, but if you want the project to be 'open'
should not every thing be open?

I would combine this:

   - Give them the time you were given when you first joined the community.
   - And if you weren't given enough time please set a new example for
   others to live by.

Give them the time you were given when you first joined the community;
even if you weren't given enough time please set a new example for others
to live by.

If you want a sub bullet to this, this may be better:

Be open and transparent so others can participate on an equal footing and
contribute to the project in their own way.

   - This is an OPEN project.  Everyone has something to contribute!

Repeated complaining (rehashing) of closed (decided) issues.

I would just remove the word complaining....

Repeated rehashing of closed/decided issues.

What do you really mean by this?:

   - Participants who disrupt the collaborative space, or participate in a
   pattern of behavior which could be considered harassment.

I was at a hackerspace once and I asked a lot of questions, this could be
considered harassment.  Do you mean bullying??

Nikola's seems similar to what is already there for the first section.  The
second two are different.

Does OpenIndiana have anything like this?:

If you are introducing someone to a code of conduct I think it would be
very important to introduce them to the rules under the hood and also give
them links on ways to contribute.

I have also received no reply on the wiki vs website.  I have not also
received any information on if the Openindiana documentation project is
still alive/moving forward.

It would suck to see the project documentation/content split between site
and wiki, everything would be so confusing.  Don't you guys want to work
something out on this note?
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