<HTML><BODY><pre>> depend fmri=developer/<a href="https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/oi-dev" data-mce-href="https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/oi-dev">gcc-3 at 3.4.3-0.175</a> type=optional<br><br>Why this btw?<br>I built gcc45 with gcc49.<br>So this was caused by some inter-dependency of some used library?<br>Or a mistake?<br><br><br>WTF, this IPS stuff is simply over the top.<br>Example: I was able to simply symlink over my ancient OpenSXCE-gcc45 and symlink over 3 libs to /usr/lib (gmp, mpc and mpfr) before I started to freshly recompile gcc45.<br><br>And guess what: It just worked.<br>This IPS stuff would never have permitted me to do this, but it works fine.<br>Simply to to real software standards like API and ABI compatibility, rather than some python scripts.<br><br>I'm done with gcc45 and when I hand-over the Vbox5 release and related deps oi-userland integration, I leave messing with IPS to you.<br>You are more talented and more patient with IPS, it's simply not my world.<br><br><br>--<br>best regards<br>%martin bochnig<br><br><br></pre></BODY></HTML>