[OpenIndiana-discuss] Longterm Support? And Oracle Java legal to use on OpenIndiana?

Guido Berhoerster gber at openindiana.org
Thu Nov 4 14:19:11 UTC 2010

* Darko Hojnik <hojnik at virtualizing.org> [2010-11-03 20:34]:
> Anybody knows about a LTS (Long Term Support) Distribution with
> OSOL/OpenIndiana will be planed?

It was the plan from the beginning to provide a free and
supported stable version of OI, a first stable release is
currently targeted at Q1/2011.

> At Friday I get new hardware. It's a Tyan two Quadcore Server with 32 GB
> memory and 4 x 600 GB SAS Drives in a Raid 10. Planned to deploy until
> 2016/2017. I have no trust in Oracle so I wouldn't buy a License. 
> And would it be secure to run snv_137 or the latest Kernel with Dom0
> support many years? I need two virtualized Boxes, some Zones and a Zone
> with PostgreSQL. 

xVM dom0 support has been EOF'd already and nobody has stepped up
to keep it alive so far, so that seems like a dead end.

> At last. It is legal to install Oracle JDK 1.6 on OpenIndiana? For
> Glassfish or Apache Tomcat.

The old JDK available from our /legacy repo can be legally
installed, currently someone is looking into building OpenJDK.
Regarding JDK versions directly obtained from Oracle you have to
look at the licensing terms yourself.
Guido Berhoerster

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