[OpenIndiana-discuss] Cannot get static IP network setup to work

Deano deano at rattie.demon.co.uk
Fri Jan 28 16:31:50 UTC 2011

My notes on static ip (not using NWAM) under OI from the default DHCP 
Update /etc/resolv.conf WITH DNS
/etc/nsswitch.dns /etc/nsswitch.conf
Update /etc/defaultrouter with GATEWAY
route -p add default GATEWAY
Update /etc/hosts
svcadm disable network/physical:nwam
svcadm enable network/physical:default 
ipadm create-addr -T static -a HOSTNAME/24 LINK_NAME

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Kvasnička [mailto:daniel.kvasnicka.jr at gmail.com] 
Sent: 28 January 2011 16:13
To: openindiana-discuss at openindiana.org
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Cannot get static IP network setup to work

Hi people,

I'm trying to setup OpenIndiana b148 to use static IPv4 address and manually
set up DNS servers. And I can't even ping my gateway.
The problem is that the only acces to the machine I have is through VNC to
the QEMU instance it runs in.
Here is the link to screenshots showing what I've done with nwamcfg so far:

I've also:
- checked /etc/resolv.conf for nameserver entries
- ensured "dns" is entered in /etc/nsswitch.conf in appropriate places
- entered appropriate line in /etc/nwam/llp (e1000g0 static
- checked that my gateway is in /etc/defaultrouter
- tried to set as mask using ifconfig, because ifconfig -a
showed the mask is set to ff000000

What the hell am I doing wrong? :) Can the problem be somewhere outside the
system? As I've said. It's a virtual instance running in a VM and I have no
way to check the VM settings myself.



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