[OpenIndiana-discuss] Hitachi 4 TB disks + HP Microserver + OI 151 + ZFS

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk roy at karlsbakk.net
Sun Apr 29 16:33:20 UTC 2012

> >> Finally, it looks like OI has some support for 4k sector disks:
> >>
> >> http://wiki.openindiana.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4883847
> >>
> >> and ZFS pools can be created with the 'zpool create block-size 4096
> >> ...'
> >> option.
> >
> > The patch allowing this option was, for various reasons, rejected,
> > and no such option currently exists.
> Are you able to forward a link to the reasons?
> I'm asking because were they technical (i.e. something breaks), or
> merely political (and there isn't a reason why OI couldn't ship zpool
> with the patch)?

IIRC the reason was that the patch breaks standard syntax, and that certain people thought it bad to fix what appears to be a hardware issue with drives reporting wrong sector size.

I don't have any disk with advanced format, so I can't test - is there a way to query the disk somehow to find if it's using 4k sectors? Model lookup seems an ugly way to do this, and although the patch added an option to force it, it's not an optimal solution. More discussions and a drop-in replacement for zpool can be found here http://wiki.openindiana.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4883847

Also, I posted a bug report for it here https://www.illumos.org/issues/2663

Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 98013356
roy at karlsbakk.net
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