[OpenIndiana-discuss] Installing one package triggered upgrade

Ryan Johnson ryan.johnson at cs.utoronto.ca
Tue Jul 17 18:54:10 UTC 2012

On 17/07/2012 2:49 PM, Timothy Coalson wrote:
>>> It may be that the installed root pool version was 5000 rather than 28 and
>>> the boot environment from 151a3 does not handle that (a5 would be needed).
>> Is this something the user can fix? Or is the packaging broken?
> I don't think that you should be able to have the rpool at version
> 5000 without installing from oi_151a5 media, or issuing a "zpool
> upgrade rpool" or "zpool upgrade -a" manually after booting into
> oi_151a5.  If these are not the case, then your rpool should still be
> at version 28, and if so, previous boot environments should still work
> (you can can activate the one you are currently booted into via the
> package manager or beadm, and then a reboot should work, by not having
> any changed packages).  It is not possible to downgrade a pool (so be
> careful with zpool upgrade).
I installed the 151a1 media, I've never tried to do anything with ZFS, 
and the previous boot environments still work. Problem is, any attempt 
to install a package triggers an update and the new package goes into 
the (broken) BE the upgrade sets up.

So the question is, how come the version of zfs pulled in by the new BE 
is the wrong version for that BE? I'm not trying to avoid an upgrade, as 
long as the machine still boots afterward.


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