[OpenIndiana-discuss] replacing an open solaris box

Edward Ned Harvey (openindiana) openindiana at nedharvey.com
Tue May 28 12:30:07 UTC 2013

> From: Kristoff Bonne [mailto:kristoff at skypro.be]
> Is there a list of applications that does work OK? As said, my
> requirements are not that special: thunderbird, firefox, virtual box.

thunderbird and firefox are included in the standard OS package repositories.  So yes, those work.

Virtualbox definitely works too.  But I recommend reading the openindiana wiki page on virtualbox, because, although it will *work* simply, there are a lot of ways you can optimize it beyond the default.

No, there isn't a "list" of software that works.  It's a fully functional OS, with thousands of packages in the standard distribution repositories, plus thousands of other products available from vendors who happen to support openindiana (or solaris) including VirtualBox.

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