[OpenIndiana-discuss] Removing webmin from /hipster

Alexander Pyhalov alp at rsu.ru
Fri Apr 25 07:45:06 UTC 2014

Are there any objections to marking webmin obsolete in /hipster?

Current version depends on /usr/bin/perl being perl 5.10, has incorrect 
webminsetup script and even when it's corrected webmin service fails to 
start with
"The output list of the PAM conversation function must have twice the 
size of the input list plus one! at /usr/sfw/lib/webmin/miniserv.pl line 
Besides, webmin was marked obsolete in Oracle Solaris 11.

I don't know if someone use this package and don't have much desire to 
support it.

If someone really wants it I think he should suggest fully rewritten 
functioning component for oi-userland and maintain it. Is someone 
interested enough to do it?
Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Computer Center of Southern Federal University

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