[oi-dev] Removal of old Dev Hosts

Piotr Jasiukajtis estseg at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 11:54:58 UTC 2010

Or better, lets keep that zone alive for a while :)

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 1:52 PM, Piotr Jasiukajtis <estseg at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> dev09: estibi
> It's onnv_145 IPS repo used for Illumos project.
> Can we move that to the new zone before the shutdown?
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Alasdair Lumsden <alasdairrr at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm going to be removing the following old dev hosts this weekend:
>> dev07: Sevan (venture37)
>> dev08: Alasdair (alasdairrr)
>> dev09: estibi
>> dev10: Guido Berhoerster
>> dev11: Onno Molenkamp
>> dev12: yofuh
>> dev13: Stefan Muller-Wilken
>> If you could please move your data off and shut down your box, that
>> would be great. If you need somewhere to store your stuff, let me know
>> and I can provide a temporary home until the NFS storage I'm arranging
>> comes online at a later date.
>> They are being replaced by the new Zones based infrastructure, as
>> previously discussed. I'll be keeping the dev01-dev06 xVM guests
>> around for people who wish to test ONNV builds/Illumos Builds,
>> although we could do to rebuild these at a later date.
>> Many thanks..
>> Alasdair
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> --
> Piotr Jasiukajtis | estibi | SCA OS0072
> http://estseg.blogspot.com

Piotr Jasiukajtis | estibi | SCA OS0072

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