[oi-dev] hipster

G B g_patrickb at yahoo.com
Thu May 30 20:32:06 UTC 2013

I don't know where you get that SmartOS is for light loads and OI is for heavy loads, but on OI I can run DB2 while I can't on SmartOS because of a SUNW error.

 From: Bob Friesenhahn <bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us>
To: OpenIndiana Developer mailing list <oi-dev at openindiana.org> 
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: [oi-dev] hipster

On Thu, 30 May 2013, G B wrote:

> I apologize for not following the 'hipster' thread more closely, but is 'hipster' intended to be 151a8,
> meaning that doing a standard `pkg image-update` from the default publisher will never get bumped to 151a8 or
> future releases?
> I did try once to update with hipster and has error/warnings galore scroll past and then failed to update. 
> Is that going to be fixed?  I applaud the efforts of those working on it, but with OI already on life
> support, hurdles in the road like this will only frustrate users more and cause them to abandon it
> altogether. 

Maybe you should follow that thread more closely.  After initial
reports of failures now there are many reports of complete success. 
It is an on-going process.

Otherwise, I am also curious to see if 'hipster' becomes the next 
formal 151a8 and perhaps leading to an official OI release.

> At first I thought there was hope with hipster, but then had those errors and have mostly decided at this
> point to use SmartOS for my web/mail servers.  Although last night when I logged into 151a7 and did a little
> work I had a thought that perhaps I should just stay on OI because I like it, but then logged onto my SmartOS
> machine and wondered why should I keep using or wanting ot use OI?

If all you need is web and mail, then almost any distribution will do.

SmartOS and OI target completely different usage models (light/heavy), 
although OI can support most functionalities offered by SmartOS.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
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