[oi-dev] Studio/GCC c++ libraries

Udo Grabowski (IMK) udo.grabowski at kit.edu
Sun Sep 22 22:26:25 UTC 2013

On 22/09/2013 20:32, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
> Hello.
> I've looked at rtorrent/libtorrent and found out that g++ doesn't like
> our library/c++/sigcpp (coming from JDS). I suggest that if I rebuild it
> with g++, Studio  will complain. Any suggestions?
> People from opencsw faced this problem and if I understand correctly
> decided to deliver separate sigcpp in /opt/csw/gxx...
> (http://lists.opencsw.org/pipermail/maintainers/2012-March/016235.html
> ). What will be our approach to this problem? Should we create
> /usr/lib/gxx with GCC C++ libraries? Any other ideas?
Note that there a{ready is a set of g++ compiled libraries
in /usr/g++/, so that would be a natural place for any additions.
There already is a libsigc.so.

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