[oi-dev] Stats

Thomas Wagner tom-oi-dev at tom.bn-ulm.de
Wed Dec 17 16:56:39 UTC 2014

On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 08:41:47PM -0600, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
>  On Sat, 13 Dec 2014, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
> > OI Hipster change log can be found here:
> > http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/oi_hipster
>  I think that this looks impressive.  The main issue (feature-wise) seems to 
>  be the loss of SFE binary packages, and that SFE packages are not yet ready 
>  for GCC (mostly a build-options problem).

It depends on the viewpoint. Yes, some SFE packages most likely
will not build on hipster with the changes that are planned for
hipster (e.g. relocating gcc built libraries, changes in OS package names).

Again, I'm not against the compiler change at all, but introducing
new problems for 3rd-party software stacks is a problem.

A number of problems introduced by hipster changes can be solved
in a reliable and hopefully maintanable way on the SFE side.
A simple example is a just changed package name (pnm_macro solves that).
A complicated problem is: To modify SFE build recipes to build
packages on Solaris 11 with Studio and only on Hipster with GCC/G++.
That needs to have different CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS, different
directories, maybe differnet patches.

Is it requested that SFE has spec files that build with different
compilers? If you look at the patches we already need to build on
solaris based OSses at all and in special with Studio, then is looks
like very cumbersome to maintain a switch to include patches targeting
Studio and others targeting GCC/G++ depending on the underlaying OS distro.

SFE was always trying to only have homeopathicly small differences
between builds on different OS distros. That makes SFE very effective
to have one Maintainer doing the major work and possibly other
maintainers only closing the gaps on the other distros.

At the moment I can't see that with the small man power that SFE
currently has, that such a transition works in an acceptable time
frame *and* that sustianing maintenance is able to maintain different
OS distros in the spec files.

SFE can be successfull in the future _if_ the differnces between the
OS distros are tiny small so maintainers can re-compile on just the
other OS and have a beatiful package.

>  There has recently been some minor discussion of OI Hipster on the SFE 
>  development list.

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