[oi-dev] UPDATE: New FF37 pkg uploaded, Flash Plugins 9/10/11.x ... do work now inside a gcc compiled Firefox now!

Martin Bochnig mb1x at gmx.com
Mon Mar 30 06:49:08 UTC 2015


@@@@@UPDATE@@@@@: Flash Plugin 9/10/11.x 
... works now inside this gcc compiled Firefox!
That's a complete Novum. This took another tough week
of work night and day and night.
Nobody has ever achieved this before.

It was tested and is known to work with:
(instabilities and freezes related to videos that are in a too new format can always happen, but are not related to this port, while flash is closed src and I can only take their bins and make them work in FF as good as technically possible)

drwxr-xr-x 2 martin other       4 Dec 27  2007 flash_player_9_solaris_r115_x86
drwx------ 2 martin other       3 Nov  8  2011 flash_player_solaris_10_3_183_11_x86
drwx------ 2 martin other       3 Nov  3  2011 flash_player_solaris_11_1_102_56_x86
-rw------- 1 martin other 4752427 Nov  9  2011 flashplayer10_3r183_11_solaris_x86.tar.bz2
-rw------- 1 martin other 4755108 Aug  9  2011 flashplayer10_3r183_5_solaris_x86.tar.bz2
-rw------- 1 martin other 4752536 Aug 23  2011 flashplayer10_3r183_7_solaris_x86.tar.bz2
-rw------- 1 martin other 6084262 Nov  4  2011 flashplayer11_1r102_55_solaris_x86.tar.bz2
-rw------- 1 martin other 6212851 Mar 20  2012 flashplayer11_2r202_228_solaris_x86.tar.bz2
-rw------- 1 martin other 2859276 Jun 10  2010 flashplayer9r115_solaris_x86.tar.bz2

BTW: Tell me a good reason why I should upload the src ...
(6 still unpaid weeks hard fulltime work for about 100 EUR "donations" all together  .....)

If OI needs "src code developers, hey: OpenSXCE also needs them (beyond myself).
OpenSXCE is based on MartUX which was born in 2006, almost 2 years before Sun-Indiana.
Who and what is OI (other than a re-branded BeleniX)?????

Attention: On all newer Illumos based Distros _except_ OpenSXCE you probably need some loading order
nonsense to get the Flash-Plugin 11.x initializing itself rather than crashing.


$ cd ~/Downloads
$ wget http://opensxce.org/.FF/37/i386/SUNWfirefox37_supports_FlashPlugin__OpenSolaris_snv_130_i386.pkg.bz2
$ bunzip2 ./SUNWfirefox37_supports_FlashPlugin__OpenSolaris_snv_130_i386.pkg.bz2
$ su
# pkgrm SUNWfirefox37
# pkgadd -d ./SUNWfirefox37_supports_FlashPlugin__OpenSolaris_snv_130_i386.pkg

FF37 can be started in 3 different ways, either of the following ...

$ /usr/bin/firefox37

$ /usr/lib/firefox37/bin/firefox

or under JDS/Gnome from {Start}->{All Applications}->{Internet}->{Firefox 37 Beta}

# pkgrm SUNWfirefox37

best regards, %m

email: mb1x at gmx.com
(This would in theory also be my PAYPAL address, but you know the joke about theory vs. practice)

p.s.   I posted this last update here only, because I promised the 3 persons who donated a bit last week, to get Flash working for them.

pp.s.  (Sorry for posting something OT, but every citizen of this planet has the duty to watch it!!!)

(German subtitles: UNFASSBAR!!! US Hauptziel IST kRIEG in Europa)
(watch and listen to one of their own so called "think tanks", and wonder about those idiots who react with applause and almost standing ovations)

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