[oi-dev] OpenIndiana Code of Conduct

Aurélien Larcher aurelien.larcher at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 14:40:01 UTC 2016

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 4:13 PM, WebDawg <webdawg at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 5:00 AM, Adam Števko <adam.stevko at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> any more comments on this?
>> http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Code+of+Conduct+proposals - Modified
>> proposed version
>> http://wiki.openindiana.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=31391953 -
>> Nikola’s version
>> Cheers,
>> Adam
> Do you really want a group of people assigned to disciplining people, in the
> dark?  How about anonymous complaints, but on an open forum?  There should
> be a POC to complain, but if you want the project to be 'open' should not
> every thing be open?
> I would combine this:
> Give them the time you were given when you first joined the community.
> And if you weren't given enough time please set a new example for others to
> live by.
> Give them the time you were given when you first joined the community;  even
> if you weren't given enough time please set a new example for others to live
> by.
> If you want a sub bullet to this, this may be better:
> Be open and transparent so others can participate on an equal footing and
> contribute to the project in their own way.
> This is an OPEN project.  Everyone has something to contribute!
> Repeated complaining (rehashing) of closed (decided) issues.
> I would just remove the word complaining....
> Repeated rehashing of closed/decided issues.
> What do you really mean by this?:
> Participants who disrupt the collaborative space, or participate in a
> pattern of behavior which could be considered harassment.
> I was at a hackerspace once and I asked a lot of questions, this could be
> considered harassment.  Do you mean bullying??
> Nikola's seems similar to what is already there for the first section.  The
> second two are different.
> Does OpenIndiana have anything like this?:
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Linux#Principles
> If you are introducing someone to a code of conduct I think it would be very
> important to introduce them to the rules under the hood and also give them
> links on ways to contribute.

The links to contribute were the ones posted by Adam.

> I have also received no reply on the wiki vs website.  I have not also
> received any information on if the Openindiana documentation project is
> still alive/moving forward.

Can someone tell me which wiki/web page we are supposed to be looking at?


-> reference document published for proposal, not editable.
-> work on drafts happens on the Wiki as described on the webpage.


-> work in progress draft based on Adam and Michael's proposal


-> work in progress draft based on Nikola's proposal


Originally both versions were presented together on one page but
Nikola preferred to have them separated.

> It would suck to see the project documentation/content split between site
> and wiki, everything would be so confusing.  Don't you guys want to work
> something out on this note?

The Wiki and Docs website serve two different purposes:
- the Wiki is for developer's notes which are by definition moving
targets: these notes can be the basis of new content for the end user
- the Docs website is for user documentation and should be fed with
content by pull-requests. This solution makes it possible to deploy
the documentation (e.g. Handbook) in various formats which is
impossible with the Wiki.

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