[oi-dev] Go 1.6.2 available

Aurélien Larcher aurelien.larcher at gmail.com
Thu May 5 14:26:19 UTC 2016

yesterday Go 1.6.2 was pushed to Hipster: this is a vanilla install without
extra package.

helios> go version
go version go1.6.2 solaris/amd64

Our oi-userland component:


is based on the component from solaris-userland and benefit from their
porting effort on Go 1.5. Warm thanks go to them, as their work makes Go
possible on OpenIndiana.

The Go distribution is installed in /usr/lib/golang-16 and /usr/bin/go is a
As mentioned, it does not come with extra-package: if there is interest,
they can be added to oi-userland but we need to think about adding
Makefiles specific to Go packages.

Thanks to Sergey and Adam for reviewing, testing and contributing fixes to
the component.
Best regards


Praise the Caffeine embeddings
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