[oi-dev] MATE 1.14 Desktop for OpenIndiana

Nikola M minikola at gmail.com
Sun May 8 21:49:09 UTC 2016

On 05/ 8/16 07:15 PM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
>>     Ref: http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/MATE+1.14+Desktop
>>     Contributed OpenIndiana MATE 1.14 Binaries:
>>     http://dlc.openindiana.org/mate-desktop/oi-mate-1.14-desktop-kmays_20160505.tar.xz
>>     Mainly for testing, production use, and development. Comes with
>>     all the bells and whistles...
> I updated the roadmap page: http://www.openindiana.org/overview/roadmap/

There is nothing like "legacy release". Bad choice if wording.
/legacy (pkg.openindiana.org/legacy) holds opensolaris releases up tp 
snv_134 and that is what Legacy is.

You are referring to Openindiana /dev development releases.

Openindiana is currently not devided into anything, and there is no 
devision between openindiana and Openindiana, so it is again bad choice 
of wording.
Since only Openindiana Hipster is updated regularly, it is what is 
obviously active, so there is nothing like division in Openindiana.

I think that plans of putting releases that could land in /dev out of 
Hipster snapshot (after testing is made with updating) , could be hurt, 
if you call Openindiana development releases in /dev with the wrong name.

Also if you have a separate announcement not related to the topic can 
you please make a new topic on ML whe nposting separate topic?

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