[oi-dev] MATE 1.14 Desktop for OpenIndiana
Aurélien Larcher
aurelien.larcher at gmail.com
Sun May 8 23:09:24 UTC 2016
On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 1:02 AM, Nikola M <minikola at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 05/ 9/16 12:08 AM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
>> There is nothing like "legacy release". Bad choice if wording.
>> /legacy (pkg.openindiana.org/legacy) holds opensolaris releases up tp
>> snv_134 and that is what Legacy is.
>> You are referring to Openindiana /dev development releases.
> Like it or not, something dead for 2 years and unmaintained maybe called
> "legacy" but I can use "vintage" if you like.
> I can also call it "Château OpenIndiana 2013 Vendange Tardive" or
> whatever, does not change the current developments.
> It is about precising what is named what.
> Not looking what is active and how long and how.
> You can't call /dev past development releases a "Legacy" since "Legacy" is
> reserved for /legacy and they are Opensolaris dev. releases.
> It's not about what is active or, not, we all know only OI hipster is
> currently active it is simple you can't just decide to change /dev's name
> because you say so,
> because you create conflict of naming that creates confusion for users and
> documentation.
> I don't find this humorous , I understand you recommend that Openindiana
> development releases in /dev be called "Vintage releases".
> I don't think that is more appropriate to call it "Old Openindiana /dev
> development releases" and naming it wit any new name including one you
> proposed, would create confusion and disable /dev renewal.
OK. The difference is between names and labels: labels are moving targets.
>> Openindiana is currently not devided into anything, and there is no
>> devision between openindiana and Openindiana, so it is again bad choice of
>> wording.
>> Since only Openindiana Hipster is updated regularly, it is what is
>> obviously active, so there is nothing like division in Openindiana.
> Moving from consolidations to oi-userland, dropping legacy and obsolete
> components, moving away from SUN compilers etc... make 151a and Hipster two
> different animals.
> Additional philosophical questions: if a tree has several branches, is it
> divided ? does your self from 3 years ago identifies with your current self
> ? etc...
> Openindiana is not divided. That is bad choice of words that sends the
> wrong message.
> Think about what people from outside think when they hear the world
> "Devided", they simply won't get it.
> Openindiana /hipster just continued to be active somewhere when OI /dev
> stopped being active, nothing is "devided" in Openindiana, how many
> projects or releases does it have.
> This is a practical thing.
> You have cow and a pig. You decided to call a cow as a pig, because a cow
> didn't give you milk lately.
> That is wrong, because pig is a pig and cow is a cow. (and neither cow is
> a sheep)
> It's an old cow.
> You can't call /dev other then "Old development releases", because
> "Legacy" is reserved and used already.
>> I think that plans of putting releases that could land in /dev out of
>> Hipster snapshot (after testing is made with updating) , could be hurt, if
>> you call Openindiana development releases in /dev with the wrong name.
> If you want to call "Development", something that is not developed, fair
> enough: come up with a better taxonomy, I have personally no strong opinion.
> Development releases are both in /dev and /hipster now in past and in the
> future.
> I think that it is sane plan to update contents on /dev with new dev
> release, made out of /hipster,
> but you should stop calling /dev with the other name, including docs and
> mentions on site.
> I propose "vintage", "indie" and "hipster" to stay rock'n roll.
> Vintage is not good because /dev will stay /dev, yust updated with hipster
> snapshots.
> That would allow that /dev people can see one day update notice.
> Vintage as a name dosn't have any use at the moment and it would be too
> complicated to have and maintain transition period and explain that
> "vintage" is a /dev again.
> It is mostly useless from all usage point to make a new name for /dev -
> old development releases.
> I already mentioned that it would hurt /dev landing effort and create
> confusion, so please don't re-use "legacy" as a name and remove wrong
> references that include it and do not use proposed "vintage" as it is not
> accurate and also creates confusion.
> Only option that is accurate now and in the past and will be in the future
> is "old development releases" (untill they are renewed).
>> Also if you have a separate announcement not related to the topic can you
>> please make a new topic on ML whe nposting separate topic?
> I updated the page to point to MATE's Wiki page according to Ken's message
> so my reply is in no way unrelated.
> Maybe I wasn't clear enough.
> I was thinking that you should make new topic on mailing list when you
> anounced "roadmap page" update, because it is not directly related to MATE
> test build announcement (clearly not related to Mate).
> That way it could be better noticed and not overlooked in different topic.
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Praise the Caffeine embeddings
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