[oi-dev] Hipster Handbook updates

Michael Kruger makruger2000 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 20:43:44 UTC 2016

Hello All,

Lots of activity to report on the new Hipster Handbook.....


This past week I've updated the docs site to include details for:

* Using the new FreeBSD boot loader
* Using the new ZFS rpool options provided by the text installer
* Added a basic Git usage guide for documentation contributors

While the most basic of topics are now covered for installing and using 
our wonderful operating system, the new Hipster Handbook still needs 
much love.

The next stage in our documentation transformation is to begin migrating 
end user related Wiki content to the new handbook. We'll be pulling in 
content which is still valid and marking old outdated pages as deprecated.

In either case, whenever anyone works on a page to migrate or deprecate 
the content, I ask that they also kindly leave a note redirecting people 
to the new site (docs.openindiana.org).

As for the areas where the handbook needs content, here is a short 
(non-inclusive) list. If you have additional ideas, that's OK too.

While I would encourage people to fork the oi-docs repo and give the 
mkdocs framework a try (especially since I wrote a nice little guide to 
using Git), you're also welcome to contribute content in any way you 
like by emailing your contribution (in any format) to [DOCS AT 

* The X-Window system
* Working with Device Drivers
* Basic Unix Commands
* Basic System Administration
* Desktop Applications
* Multimedia - Audio
* Multimedia - Video
* Printing
* Fault Management
* Service Management
* Systems logging and monitoring
* The illumos boot process
* Security
* Zones
* Storage - Mounting file systems
* Storage - NTFS support
* Storage - ISCSI
* Storage - Configuring Backup software
* Storage - ZFS Configuration and usage
* Virtualization
* Localization
* Dtrace
* Networking - Local Configuration
* Clustering
* Firewalls
* Advanced networking (Crossbow, etc.)
* NAS Storage Server (CIFS/Samba/NFS)
* NIS and LDAP

Thank you for supporting this effort,


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