[oi-dev] Screen distorted with new i915 driver

Alexander Jung a.jung at scilset.de
Thu Sep 1 05:04:33 UTC 2016

Hello Martin,

here are some information you need ...


There was no /etc/X11/xorg.conf, so i generated one with Xorg -configure.

In /var/adm/messages there was no generated output.

Best regards,

On 08/31/16 07:52 PM, Мартин Бохниг via oi-dev wrote:
> Hallo Alex,
> sorry for experiencing problems (tut mir leid, dass Du Probleme damit 
> hast).
> What is where exactly happening, in which precise order, how and why 
> (was passiert wo, in welcher genauen Reihenfolge wie und warum)?
> The least you should send to enable me or anyone to help you (Das 
> Mindeste, was Du mitsenden solltest, um mich oder sonst-wen in eine 
> Position zu bringen, Dir helfen zu koennen, waere das Folgende) :
> #0.) Screen photograph or best video
> #1.) /var/adm/messages*
> #2.) /var/log/Xorg.0.log*
> #3.) scanpci -v output (what is your device's pciid?)
> #4.) ls -l /dev/dri
> Then I need to know if you deleted /etc/X11/xorg.conf before running 
> into problems, as you should have
> A pity that only those take the time to report whatsoever, for whom it 
> is *not* working, while the silent 99% stay silent (reminds me of what 
> happened 2 weeks ago, but that's how humans appear to be designed to be)
> I hope we can get this working for you,
> mit den besten Gruessen,
> %martin bochnig
> Ostberlin
>     Среда, 31 августа 2016, 16:48 UTC от Alexander Jung
>     <a.jung at scilset.de>:
>     Hi,
>     after the last update of hipster on my Lenovo W530, the new i915
>     driver don't work correct, the screen is distorted. The W530 has
>     an intel and nvidia graphicscard, but because the nvidiadriver
>     don't work at all i switched to intel in bios. lspci shows 00:02.0
>     VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core
>     processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) I am also very interestet
>     in a solution for the nvidia card. Best regards, Alex PS: Sorry
>     for my bad english
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*s c i ls e t*
Alexander Jung
Hachenburgerstr. 17
57648 Unnau

*TELEFON:* (0 26 61) 98 38 45
*E-MAIL:* a.jung at scilset.de <mailto:a.jung at scilset.de>
*INTERNET:* www.scilset.de <http://www.scilset.de/>
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