[oi-dev] Discussing maintainers visibility in oi-userland

Aurélien Larcher aurelien.larcher at gmail.com
Thu May 11 17:56:35 UTC 2017

following an offlist discussion with Darek, he asked:

Is there any list of components, which have maintainers?
> This case shows that some components need maintainers. I guess some people
> decide whether a component needs a maintainer or not.

I explained that there are no officially defined maintainers since
oi-userland is quite recent and the original build systems were diverse.

I noted that:

There are "official" maintainers for a few major components, and they are
listed on the Wiki somehow.


So far:
- cluster/*
- database/*
- desktop/mate/*
- desktop/e/*
- gfx-drm
- git
- librecad
- multimedia/*
- nodejs*
- sysutils/*
- x11/*

have identified regular contributors on x86 and two persons work on SPARC
The question raised is whether we should formalize a maintaining process
for some important components or groups of components.
At some point I joked about a campaign going like "Adopt a package".

What is your thought on that?


Praise the Caffeine embeddings
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