[oi-dev] Change in video driver ABI

Gary Mills gary_mills at fastmail.fm
Thu Sep 14 14:24:58 UTC 2017

On Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 09:24:26AM +0200, Jean-Pierre André wrote:
> Yesterday I upgraded a Hipster installation from April 2016
> to the latest state (by starting a pkg update).
> I apparently could not boot beyond the single user mode, but
> the real reason appears to lie in a change in the video driver
> ABI.

I had a similar problem, and have partially solved it.  I had an AMD
Athlon system with an NVIDIA GeForce 6200 LE video card.  It was
running OI Hipster installed from the 20160421 ISO.  I had installed
NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-304.132 to get it to recognize the video card.
When I upgraded to the current Hipster in a new BE, the BE failed to

I couldn't find a way to uninstall the Nvidia software I had
installed, but I was able to boot an old BE that I made before I
installed the software.  It was using the VESA driver for that video
card, but otherwise everything ran normally.

Then I replaced the video card with a new low-end one that seemed
current.  It was an Nvidia card with a GT730 GPU.  The cost was less
than $100.  Hipster recognized that card.  It described my monitor
correctly and set the resolution to the monitor's default.  The Nvidia
X Server Settings GUI worked.

That system is still running Hipster from 2016, but I'm ready to try
the upgrade again.

-Gary Mills-		-refurb-		-Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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