[oi-dev] newbie help needed build errors pkg nut

Stephan Althaus Stephan.Althaus at Duedinghausen.eu
Wed Nov 8 13:55:01 UTC 2023


I would like to use nut with my APC UPS.

I tried apcupsd that is spamming broadcast messages around because of 
USB errors/reconnetcts...

The nut-scanner from the delivered package does not work because it 
doesn't find USB library..

#  nut-scanner -U
USB library not found. USB search disabled.
Cannot load SNMP library (/usr/lib/amd64/libnetsnmp.so.40.2.1) : 
ld.so.1: nut-scanner: fatal: usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol: can't find symbol. 
SNMP search disabled.

So i decided to update the package to 2.8.5. After patching the Makefile 
with version and SHA, deleting the 'old' patches which are not working 
anymore (maybe obsolete by now),
configure fails because neon lib is not found

--> how can i get to the test program used to detect neon and find the 
error ??

Disabling neon and pathcing the p5m files, i finally get to the point of 
failing dependencies

$ ....
has unresolved dependency '
     depend type=require fmri=__TBD pkg.debug.depend.file=libcrypto.so.3 \
         pkg.debug.depend.reason=usr/sbin/upsd pkg.debug.depend.type=elf \
         pkg.debug.depend.path=lib/64 \
         pkg.debug.depend.path=usr/gcc/13/lib/amd64 \

where usr7lib/amd64 is missing (?)

--> Why is usr/lib/amd64 not in the search path ?

Kind regards,


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