[oi-dev] pkgdepot data over rsync

Till Wegmüller toasterson at gmail.com
Sun Jun 23 15:48:48 UTC 2024

Hi Marcel

I Created a rsync daemon that exposes two modules oirepo and oidlc. Both 
give read-only access to the root of all repositories or dlc respectively.

So to sync hipster repos use

rsync -azv openindiana.org::oirepo/hipster

For the Isos use:
rsync -azv openindiana.org::oidlc/isos

rsync -zv openindiana.org::oirepo shows you all repos on this system 
hipser is the main repo for OpenIndiana x86 hipster-encumbered is the 
encumbered repo and oi-sparc is the Sparc package repository.


On 20.06.24 23:32, Marcel Telka wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 08:30:06PM +0200, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> Sorry about that,
>> We moved the Repository server to a new Machine. I never noticed that we
>> also had a public endpoint for rsync but I'll get it back online in the next
>> couple days. It is probably a lot faster than the pkgrecv endpoint.
> That would be great.  Thank you.
> Could you please also consider rsync for (something that used to be)
> dlc-origin in past?  We already discussed this three years ago[*], but
> there is still no satisfying solution available, AFAIK.
> [*] https://openindiana.org/pipermail/oi-dev/2021-July/032789.html
> Thanks.

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