[OpenIndiana-discuss] slow zfs scrub, fixed after reboot?

Brett Dikeman brett.dikeman at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 22:03:53 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I triggered a scrub of a ZFS pool, and it was going at a glacial
pace...about 1GB over 4 hours.  After rebooting the machine (which was
up for 16 days), the scrub is now running at more normal speeds
(+100MB/sec, sometimes peaking at 200), but still not very consistent,
even with a 5 second average.

Previously, I had turned on de-duplication (turns out all our data is
unique, so the table lookups were extremely expensive), but have since
turned it off and we have a fair amount of turnover data-wise, so the
table has shrunk to a fraction of its original size.

Also: is it normal that I haven't seen any package updates since
switching to openindiana, shortly after it was announced?  I was
expecting at least some security releases and such...or do I need to
add another repository, similar to how opensolaris had release and dev


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