[OpenIndiana-discuss] Setting LD_PRELOAD

Paul Johnston Paul.A.Johnston at manchester.ac.uk
Sat Nov 6 22:57:52 UTC 2010

  Under my thread about couchdb I was advised to set LD_PRELOAD.
I thought this had not worked but is seems bigger than that :-)

>     Then it appears that the LD_PRELOAD environment setting is not
>     being passed onto the child. You need to try recompiling the
>     executable beam.smp with '-LCrun'.
> Regards,
> Moinak.

paulj at openindiana:~$ echo $LD_PRELOAD
paulj at openindiana:~$ ps
ld.so.1: ps: fatal: /usr/lib/libCrun.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
paulj at openindiana:~$ prstat
ld.so.1: prstat: fatal: /usr/lib/libCrun.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

Well it sure is doing something if not fixing my couchdb problem :-)
After removing it
paulj at openindiana:~$ echo $LD_PRELOAD

paulj at openindiana:~$ ps
   PID TTY         TIME CMD
  1379 pts/1       0:00 bash
  1384 pts/1       0:00 ps
paulj at openindiana:~$ prstat <... Works as expected ..>

Cheers Paul

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