[OpenIndiana-discuss] Manpages and documentation -- where to start?

Kevin J. Woolley kjw at javabunny.net
Thu Sep 30 06:08:59 UTC 2010

Hello folks,

From IRC traffic I understand (perhaps wrongly) that the most up-to-date manual pages and documentation aren't available to us due to licensing issues.  If that's the case I'd like to start putting some effort into bringing things up to date.  I've got a few questions on how best to do that -- if the best answer is "RTFM", then say so, and I will.  I'm hoping a few good questions now can save some hours of Googling.

First, where is the current non-manpage documentation maintained, and what is the best way to submit changes?

Second, what are some areas where the most attention is needed?

Third, what is the best process for updating manpages?  I'm assuming they're maintained as part of the consolidations they document.  Should I be asking for commit bits to those, or should we have a process for passing them to those who do?  Should we even have a uniform process for this, or is it too early in the game?

Lastly (for now, of course), how do we want to organise how-tos and FAQs?  On the main OI wiki, or on another wiki/site that enables user comments or a forum, or one that enables some "Indypedia" type features?



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