[OpenIndiana-discuss] Question about restricting visibility of comstar targets

Svein Skogen (Listmail account) svein-listmail at stillbilde.net
Sun Apr 10 15:37:53 UTC 2011


I'll keep this off the list, since my question is one of those

You haven't by any chance assigned _ANY_ lun to the "default" (i.e.
not-named) view? Doing so will give exactly the behavior you described.
Don't ask if I discovered this "the hard way"...


  /"\   |Svein Skogen       | svein at d80.iso100.no
  \ /   |Solberg Østli 9    | PGP Key:  0xE5E76831
   X    |2020 Skedsmokorset | svein at jernhuset.no
  / \   |Norway             | PGP Key:  0xCE96CE13
        |                   | svein at stillbilde.net
 ascii  |                   | PGP Key:  0x58CD33B6
 ribbon |System Admin       | svein-listmail at stillbilde.net
Campaign|stillbilde.net     | PGP Key:  0x22D494A4
        |msn messenger:     | Mobile Phone: +47 907 03 575
        |svein at jernhuset.no | RIPE handle:    SS16503-RIPE
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
                     Picture Gallery:

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