[OpenIndiana-discuss] rsync & snapshot backups?

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk roy at karlsbakk.net
Sat Apr 30 11:53:45 UTC 2011

> which seem to do all of what I want. Frex: snapadm.pl, which creates
> rolling backups on daily/weekly/monthly basis with retention times -
> so
> far so good, but it doesn't actually do any backing up. I also found
> rsbackup (based on freebsd?) which does the backing up, including
> snapshotting, but doesn't seem to have any kind of snapshot
> expiration.
> etc etc etc... I was even thinking of switching from text-mode OI to
> the GUI so I can install time slider - that would work if there was
> some
> kind of script I could tell it to run before doing the snapshot (and
> said script would run the rsyncs). At this point, I feel like I'm
> standing out in the field trying to figure out which way to go :) Any
> thoughts? Thanks!

There's an autosnapshot service available, but AFAICS, it doesn't have any way to run pre- or post-jobs. What I'd do is just run the rsync jobs (preferably one dataset per server), and then snapshot manually from the script. For doing automatic snapshotting on S10, I wrote the script at http://karlsbakk.net/ZFS/zfs-snapshot.sh - while that works, it's got a logical bug, the daily snapshots are named by name of last day, meant to be run just after midnight, whereas the other snaps take the current, say month or time, as the name. Since we have this in production, I've simply informed our users, since changing it now will mess up the structure, and we won't be using s10 on our fileservers for long anyway.

Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
roy at karlsbakk.net
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