[OpenIndiana-discuss] X11 Forwarding.. Can't Open Display

Jonathan Leafty jleafty+openindianadiscuss at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 15:25:02 UTC 2011

I do (at least I think I do), I checked pkg for an update and if I run xauth
it says its already running.  Is it possible its installed somewhere else?
I'll have to check it when I get home... Haha, I need to set up an Internet
facing SSH VM so I can check this stuff from home :), I'm too paranoid to
allow my ZFS box to be exposed to the Internet..

Can anyone provide or explain what I should see when I SSH -v (-vvv)? When I
do it, I see the request to set up the X11 Forwarding/Tunnel, but there's no
response, that seems par for the course, it should only print something if
there's an error right?

Any tips people can recommend for troubleshooting would be greatly
appreciated.  I've been looking at OpenSSH troubleshooting and I can't find
anything related.  Usually people have an issue where no display is
configured or a corresponding authentication issue/.Xauthority, but I have
no such related error message... I did delete my .Xauthority for
recreation... which doesn't seem to be occurring (worked fine on Ubuntu),
but I haven't rebooted or killed X.

PS Anyone that has it working if I could see your sshd_config and ssh_config
it might help me out... I should spin up a clean install on a VM and see
what happens.

On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 7:17 PM, Alan Coopersmith <
alan.coopersmith at oracle.com> wrote:

> Also make sure you have /usr/bin/xauth installed - if it's not there,
> sshd silently fails setting up X11 tunnelling.
> --
>        -Alan Coopersmith-        alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
>         Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System
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