[OpenIndiana-discuss] TrueType Fonts

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
Thu Dec 22 18:56:24 UTC 2011

On 12/22/11 10:08, Mark Creamer wrote:
> Makes sense about the licensing. Thank you for that explanation. I see that the
> fonts available at the link you supplied are packaged for Windows. How do I
> place them on the OI system? Thanks again

There's several guides to installing on Linux - OpenIndiana/Solaris
installation should be pretty much the same thing, since the same
open source software is used (fontconfig, freetype, Xorg, etc.).

A quick google search turned up http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/
which has the cabextract software needed to get .ttf's out of the
Microsoft .exe's.  Though that site still refers to older font tools,
for instance, ttmkfdir is now built into mkfontdir instead of being
a separate utility, and few people use the xfs font server these days.

Debian does provide a package that provides an installer for them, but
does not install them, due to the "may not be distributed for profit either
on a standalone basis or included as part of your own product" terms of the
license which would conflict with those selling things such as Debian CD's or
systems with the software preinstalled.   OI would have to determine it's own
policy for handling things like this for packaging.


	-Alan Coopersmith-        alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
	 Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System

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