[OpenIndiana-discuss] GPU HCL - nVidia Questions & Advice

Guy Woolley guy.woolley at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 10 10:52:25 UTC 2011

  Yes - it's too bad; actually the GEForce 220 worked fine when I tried 
Solaris 10 but I just couldn't get the internet to work with the rge0 
driver (which is OK with  OSOL, OI) in my machine . It's pretty obvious 
that hardware for consumer PCs is very strongly directed at Windows (why 
wouldn't they ?); if it works for anything else that's a bonus.  The 
alternative seems to be the way that was once the only way - hardware 
and OS from the same manufacturer, and priced accordingly (look at Apple 



On 02/10/11 10:25 AM, Edward Martinez wrote:
> On 02/10/11 00:57, Guy Woolley wrote:
>>  Ken,
>>        Have you seen this bug report ?
>>> https://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=15751
>> I haven't tried the 256.44 driver but my GEForce 220 certainly hasn't 
>> worked on OI (or earlier Opensolaris)
>> with earlier Nvidia drivers for it - John Martin's Comments seem to 
>> suggest that neither Oracle nor Nvidia are very interested in a  
>> problem in a fairly cheap consumer graphics card that works fine with 
>> popular OS (it works fine for me under WinXP - I have a dual boot 
>> PC). I expect Ken Mays knows better than I about the current situation.
>> Best of luck
>> Guy
>> On 02/10/11 07:30 AM, Edward Martinez wrote:
>>> On 02/09/11 21:52, Ken Gunderson wrote:
>>>> Hello People:
>>>> I need a new graphics card for an older system (PCIE-1.0). I don't 
>>>> game,
>>>> do graphics, rendering, etc. so don't need high end - just a good
>>>> workstation unit that supports OpenGL, good color accuracy, and draws
>>>> square squares :)  Occasional DVD's are probably about the most GPU
>>>> intensive use the system sees. Noisy fans and failed fan bearings 
>>>> are a
>>>> drag, so passive cooling is a plus, but not always a must as long 
>>>> as the
>>>> card doesn't make the box sound like a hovercraft.
>>>> So I thought I'd consult that newly created HCL wiki and was 
>>>> pleased to
>>>> note the Quadro 600 is "officially supported".  The Quadro 600's price
>>>> point is attractive but otherwise I don't know much about it, as it's
>>>> relatively new unit. So I've a question for Mr. Mays; is the 600 your
>>>> daily driver, and if so, how do you like it?.
>>>> Also, the nVidia 256.44 driver's support many, many cards, yet only 4
>>>> models are listed.  I'm curios why this might be?  Shouldn't pretty 
>>>> much
>>>> any of the cards supported by those drivers work?  Or is this list 
>>>> just
>>>> a sample of stuff that's actually been tested by the OI community?
>>>> I'm not very familiar with nVidia's line and welcome suggestions.
>>>> Thanks bunches.
>>>     Hello,
>>>     I just order an nvidia Geforce GT 220 to use with OI, the 
>>> onboard video is to weak for me, and it's listed on nvidia 's 256,44 
>>> driver  supported
>>>     list. I will let you know if it works soon:-)
>>>  http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5296653&SRCCODE=WEBLET03ORDER& 
>>> cm_mmc=Email-_-WebletMain-_-WEBLET03ORDER-_-Deals
>>>  http://www.nvidia.com/object/solaris-display-256.44-driver.html
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>    Thanks Guy,
>    I guess, i will have  to swap cards between my home systems.
>    it appears it will be tougher to buy hardware for solaris then 
> linux; not so long ago, i build an amd  dual core and   opensolaris 
> 2009, osol_snv134, solaris 10,  will not install because of a cpu bug.
>    However Oracle linux, and other linux distros  run great on it.
>    now it appears a bug in the solaris kernel is causing problems with 
> these video cards.(geforce GT 220)
>    i  would be bet Oracle does not give a hoot how solaris runs on my 
> computer as long it runs great on SUN units.

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