[OpenIndiana-discuss] Proposal: OpenIndiana Stable Branch

Till_OI at justmoments.de Till_OI at justmoments.de
Sat Jan 15 12:38:48 UTC 2011

On 15.01.2011 13:18, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
> It wouldn't be a minimal distro. We would simply republish oi_148 to /stable, then only update a small set of packages with security updates.
> The work involved would be backporting security fixes, recompiling the software and publishing the fixed package to the /stable branch.

With this approach you have a branch based on oi_148, where only a small 
number of packages are maintained. This sounds like a good plan to get a 
release of something that is not dev, but I would not call this "stable".

oi_148 works fine from my experience, but "release" or 
"release_candidate" are IMHO better names.


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