[OpenIndiana-discuss] realpath(3C)

Frank Lahm franklahm at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 25 11:33:22 UTC 2011


on latest Opensolaris snv134b realpath doesn't take NULL as second
arg. On Solaris 11 Express it does, giving the semantics described in
`man realpath`:

     The realpath() function derives, from the  pathname  pointed
     to  by  file_name, an absolute pathname that resolves to the
     same directory entry, whose resolution does not involve ".",
     "..",  or  symbolic links. If resolved_name is not null, the
     generated pathname is stored as a null-terminated string, up
     to  a  maximum  of  {PATH_MAX}  (defined in limits.h(3HEAD))
     bytes  in  the  buffer  pointed  to  by  resolved_name.   If
     resolved_name is null, the generated pathname is stored as a
     null-terminated string in a buffer that is allocated  as  if
     malloc(3C) were called.

What's the case on Openindiana ?


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