[OpenIndiana-discuss] Cannot Install

Dan Swartzendruber dswartz at druber.com
Tue May 3 17:35:32 UTC 2011

Eric Tse wrote:
> Ah I see what you mean, yea its a USB external optical drive, but still I
> never had problems with it... and I don't have an extra internal one.
> Anyways what about the USB image? I would love to use that instead but again
> it doesn't seem to work
can't speak to the usb stick install, sorry :(.  keep in mind though 
that every OS boot sequence is different.  i've had a usb optical that i 
cannot install pfsense (freebsd based firewall) with because it tries to 
mount the root filesystem before the USB device probing has finished.    
I am not a grub guru, but do you get any error messages at all, or just 
the prompt?

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