[OpenIndiana-discuss] Question about DNS

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk roy at karlsbakk.net
Tue Oct 18 21:19:51 UTC 2011

Hi all

I have a server running OI with CIFS integrated in AD and it works well, except when certain users try to connect from DHCP leased addresses. The only difference I've found from these users and others, is that they use DHCP. The routing table is the same, etc. But then, we configured the DHCP addresses in DNS, so they are resolvable, forwards and backwards. I know Solaris [OI] can be a bit picky on DNS when it comes to NFS - is this the same with CIFS?

Now, is there a way to tell OI to just disregard or ignore DNS for connections? it doesn't make sens - the client is already autenticated with Kerberos and whatnot.


Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
roy at karlsbakk.net
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