[OpenIndiana-discuss] An article from "the register"

Open Indiana openindiana at out-side.nl
Thu Sep 22 12:23:02 UTC 2011

This is very bad news. All our servers have a dual-boot system partition so
we can choose between IIS and apache every time we reboot......


Imho hardware is having such great performance that within a couple of
months, maybe 2 years, all desktops (but maybe tablets and phones too) will
have some kind of hypervisor that will boot at first. After the boot one can
choose between the different OS's the mainhardware supports.
If I remember correct HTC has announced a dualboot mobile phone by which the
user can choose between the private or the company phone.

-----Original Message-----
From: LinuxBSDos.com [mailto:finid at linuxbsdos.com]
Sent: donderdag 22 september 2011 12:35
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] An article from "the register"

> 2 points:
> 1) I hope that this doesn't happen because it'll be a pain for us as well.
> 2) "... Secondly, in the near future the design of the kernel will
> mean that the kernel itself is part of the bootloader ..."
> Do you know if this _is_ the direction that grub is going, if so can
> we still be a part of it?

It will not pass in Europe, but in the US of A, our elected officials will
let it slide.


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