[OpenIndiana-discuss] How dowload OI packages from Linux

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
Wed Apr 11 14:28:22 UTC 2012

On 04/11/12 06:38 AM, Jeppe Toustrup wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 15:22, Jan Owoc <jsowoc at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If that were an apt repository, one could navigate to the .deb files
>> themselves and download them to be installed offline with dpkg. Once
>> one finds a package in the above web interface, there are only 3
>> things one can download:
>> -> Package Information Summary
>> -> a p5i file that contains only the package description (not the actual files)
>> -> Package Manifest (list of files w/ checksums, no actual files)
>> Using just the web browser (or tools available on GNU/Linux systems),
>> how does one download the actual files for this package?
>> pkg://openindiana.org/developer/gcc-3@3.4.3,5.11-
> Use the 'pkgrecv' utility. The IPS package system does not have
> anything comparable to .deb files, where an entire package is
> contained in a single file, instead each file which makes up the
> package is downloaded individually from the repository server. The
> 'pkgrecv' utility does however allow you to download all files which
> makes up a package, and then install that by using a file:///...
> publisher.

Actually, recent versions of IPS (post-151 though), do have the ability
for pkgrecv to download packages into single file *.p5p archives that
you can easily transport to other systems.   They're not stored on the
IPS repository server that way though, since storing each individual file
component allows a lot of deduplication since many packages contain files
which don't change between versions (especially when you publish daily &
biweekly builds, as Sun was doing when the IPS system was designed).

	-Alan Coopersmith-              alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
	 Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc

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