[OpenIndiana-discuss] Qmail-to-go on openindiana?

låzaro netadmin at lex-sa.cu
Thu Apr 26 15:54:14 UTC 2012

Thread name: "Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Qmail-to-go on openindiana?" 
Mail number: 33 
Date: Thu, Apr 26, 2012 
In reply to: Gary Gendel <gary at genashor.com> 
> Chris, I'm still unclear on how to do this.  How could you write a
> regular express to check to see if the connecting ip address is
> buried in the reverse dns lookup.
> In my example, spamdyke would reject
> customer.208.001_48.3.sample.com, but
> customer.108.001_48.3.sample.com would not be rejected because it
> doesn't match the ip address of the sending MTA.  This prevents
> rejecting reverse dns names with strings of arbitrary numbers in
> them.
> Gary

Gary, is very simple, is maked, you don have to do nothing, just tell
postfix "do this"

add this to you main.cf

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =

Postfix will make a reverse lookup and if the domain not found, it will
not allow get the mail.

Also you can tell postfix who request to the remote server if that
sender is a valid user, if it not exist i the remote server, the mail
will not pass.

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