[OpenIndiana-discuss] found bug in time slider

openindiana openindiana at nedharvey.com
Sat Aug 11 14:02:46 UTC 2012

> From: Jan Owoc [mailto:jsowoc at gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 11:50 PM
> > Where is a good place to report this bug?
> The issue tracker is:
> https://www.illumos.org/projects/openindiana/issues

So, this is a common problem with a lot of open source projects.  In order to report a bug, you have to reproduce it, go to the website, create an account, with email verification, and in this case, ssh keys for some reason...

Most people wouldn't have bothered, but I actually reformatted my system in order to reproduce the bug.  I'm not going to register on the bug tracker...  But here are my notes, just in case anybody will enter it, who will bother with the effort:

Yes, this morning, I reformatted and recreated the bug.  I suspect most of the steps below are irrelevant, but the root cause is unknown, so it is therefore unknown if this bug will apply in any more general sense, but the following specific steps are sufficient.  (I suspect it does apply in a general sense, because there are reports all over the internet, of people having trouble enabling zfs auto-snapshot, er, Time Slider on openindiana.  In fact, the OI manual conspicuously doesn't say anything about enabling snapshots.)

boot from openindiana 151a5 desktop dvd
default keyboard, language
launch "Install Openindiana"
Select a disk, use whole disk.
New York.  English. 
Set root password, including a "," character.  (Is the "," actually necessary?  Not sure.)
Create a user account with the same pass.

Unfortunately, the installer doesn't give you any option to eject CD.  Just do it when you can, or sudo eject later.

After it boots for the first time, login as jsmith (while still at physical console).  

    (if needed) sudo eject

# Probably can skip everything below this, between these two markers.

    Set yourself a static IP as follows:

    adapted from http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Static+IP

    ifconfig -a
        (Make a note of the interface name, you're going to need it.
        in this case, I have bge0)
    sudo svcadm disable svc:/network/physical:nwam
    sudo ipadm create-addr -T static -a bge0/v4static
    sudo route -p add default
    sudo vi /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf
    sudo cp /etc/nsswitch.dns /etc/nsswitch.conf
    sudo svcadm enable svc:/network/physical:default

Now you should be able to ssh in.
Install your ssh keys, if you're going to.

Make it so jsmith doesn't need password for sudo (you're going to need this for cron to set time, at least.)
    sudo visudo
    Go to the end, find the "jsmith" line, and change it:
    (before) jsmith ALL=(ALL) ALL
    (after)  jsmith ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Enable compression and disable ZIL
    for fs in rpool/ROOT/openindiana rpool/export rpool/export/home rpool/export/home/jsmith ; do sudo zfs set compression=on $fs ; sudo zfs set sync=disabled $fs ; done

Apply updates
    sudo pkg update
    (At the time of this writing, No updates available.)

# Probably can skip everything above this, between these two markers.

Enable snapshots
    In the GUI, go to System / Administration / Time Slider

    Note: For some reason this wouldn't start.  No matter how many times I try to launch it, type in password, it just disappears.
    It says "Starting Time Slider" in the task bar, for a few seconds, and disappears.

    Launch a Terminal.  Become root.  (sudo su -)
    passwd jsmith   (make up something temporary)
    passwd root       (make up something temporary)
    passwd jsmith   (put it back to the original value)
    passwd root       (put it back to the original value)

    Now try launching Time Slider again.  Magically it works.  That is a bug, my friends.

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