[OpenIndiana-discuss] boot-archive timing out after 3ware driverinstall

James Carlson carlsonj at workingcode.com
Thu May 10 20:45:56 UTC 2012

Ian Levesque wrote:
> This seems to have done the trick, thanks! But, shouldn't running svccfg's setprop have stuck without running "refresh"?

It's not infrequently confusing.  Merely restarting a service is not
enough to copy data from the "current" to the "running" configuration.

The reason it's done this way is so that the normal behavior of the
restarter can be stable.  In other words, if a service fails on its own,
and if the restarter needs to try it again automatically, you probably
wouldn't want to see the newly-restarted instance magically show up with
a different configuration merely because you'd long ago done a setprop
without a refresh.

What is "current" is thus not defined in terms of running processes (as
it is on most other systems), but in terms of SMF internal state.

Arguably, an administrative request to shut down or restart should
probably copy over the configuration as if you said "refresh", because
it's almost certainly what you intend, but that's just not how it works.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carlsonj at workingcode.com>

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