[OpenIndiana-discuss] slicing a disk for ZIL

Sebastian Gabler sequoiamobil at gmx.net
Thu Nov 29 11:43:29 UTC 2012


I have bought and installed an Intel SSD 313 20 GB to use as ZIL for one 
or many pools. I am running openindiana on a x86 platform, no SPARC. As 
4 GB should suffice, I am considering to partition the drive in order to 
assign each partition to one pool (ATM pools are 2 on the Server, but I 
could expand it in the future)
After some reading, I am still confused about slicing and partitioning. 
What do I actually need to do to achieve the wanted effect to have up to 
4 partions on that SSD?

Thanks for any enlightenment.

With best regards,


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