[OpenIndiana-discuss] ZFS; what the manuals don't say ...

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk roy at karlsbakk.net
Tue Oct 23 16:06:45 UTC 2012

> And hardlinks ?

For hardlinks, this is bad, indeed, so depending on if you use them or not, this may or may not be a good idea

> This is a perfect way to completely trash your
> system. There's no need to 'balance' zfs, over time filesystem
> writes will balance roughly over the vdevs, only files never
> touched again will stay where they are. So don't risk your
> system just to get a few bytes/sec more out of it.

With current versions of ZFS, writes are balanced ok over free space, unlike earlier. Still, if you want to maximise performance, you want your data to be levelled out on available drives. If we ever get BPR, this will solve this and many other problems…

Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 98013356
roy at karlsbakk.net
GPG Public key: http://karlsbakk.net/roysigurdkarlsbakk.pubkey.txt
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