[OpenIndiana-discuss] SS cc multithread compilation switch (e.g., Parrot)

Udo Grabowski (IMK) udo.grabowski at kit.edu
Tue Oct 30 17:03:25 UTC 2012

I see sometimes people linking with -lpthread (do NOT use -pthread),
without setting -mt for the Sun Studio compilers, see, e.g.,
the Parrot (OI 151a7) config:


This is wrong and should be corrected for all OI specs for
multithreaded programs where this switch is missing, for
the compile and the link steps.
Dr.Udo Grabowski    Inst.f.Meteorology a.Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
www-imk.fzk.de/asf/sat/grabowski/ www.imk-asf.kit.edu/english/sat.php
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology            http://www.kit.edu
Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany  T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026

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