[OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana, OpenSXCE and the rest...

Andreas Wacknitz a.wacknitz at gmx.de
Sat Jun 8 16:16:34 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I have just subscribed to this list, but I was lurking it for some time now.
First, let me state something on behalf of Martin:

	OpenSXCE supports both, SPARC and x86!

So, if you want to run a Solaris successor on older or newer SPARC's you should have
a look at it (personally I intend to install it on my Blade 2000 as soon as if I got a replacement for my defective hard disk) because
there is no free alternative (to my knowledge).

Furthermore I see OpenSXCE (x86) as a valuable alternative to OpenIndiana. For me the most obvious difference between them is
the package management system used. I personally prefer the old style packages just because I am more familiar with it
and find the new pkg system too slow. OpenIndiana is on my hard disk at the moment and will probably stay until OpenSXCE
matured a little bit. I am watching both developments and hope that they will mature over the time and grow communities!

Alas both, OpenIndiana and OpenSXCE don't support the graphics card (Sun NVS-280) in my Ultra 24. I have tried to
install an old NVidia graphics driver on OpenIndiana but the installation script fails removing the old NVDAgraphics package.
I haven't invested that much time yet, maybe I will be able successfully install that old package someday.

unlike stated by some people here I think that there might be some interest in having a desktop OpenSolaris successor (be it OpenIndiana
and/or OpenSXCE or something else).
And IMO there is also some value for the commercial OpenSolaris successors: The desktop might be the door opener for the server
environment. At least in smaller businesses I've already experienced it. And let me say here that I am a little bit surprised that there
is still no USB 3 support in Illumos! Even servers will get these sooner or later…

Nevertheless, for me is OpenIndiana/OpenSXCE a secure complement to the existing desktops. I personally use Windows and Mac OSX,
but find the directions both are taking not so promising…


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