[OpenIndiana-discuss] Xvnc in a zone

Michael Stapleton michael.stapleton at techsologic.com
Sun Mar 24 15:13:20 UTC 2013

On Solaris 10, I used to configure my zones to run xnest as the X server
with the display directed back to the global zone. xhosts in the global
zone was configured to allow the zones access.
It worked like a charm. 

I even had a linux branded zone I used for google earth. In that case I
used zlogin to run google earth, and in the zone the DISPLAY was set to
the global zone.

I have not tried any of this recently, but you could look in that


On Sat, 2013-03-23 at 11:23 +0100, Hans J. Albertsson wrote:

> Is there some simple way to get Xvnc working from within a non-global zone??
> I e I'd like to sit logged in to the global zone as always, and be able 
> to run a vnc session to an ngz in a window. It can be a very small 
> desktop, what I'm after is the visual feedback of "You're in a twisty 
> little non-global zone" afforded by the x desktop inside a fairly large 
> window.
> Being able to start a gnome session in the ngz from a laptop might also 
> be neat.
> First attempt (to just copy the working Xvnc installation from a 
> separate server's GZ) failed with references to dbus.
> I suppose one could run a ssh -X zone xterm (or other client), but I 
> just wanted to try the full X thing.
> Things I find on the internet and particularly Oracle blogs are a wee 
> bit unclear, probably leaving out some crucial package that people 
> working at Oracle always install w/o thinking. They do seem to say that 
> it can be done.
> Things are complicated a bit by the server with the NGZ's I'm running 
> also being a SunRay server for 3-4 clients.
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