[OpenIndiana-discuss] Moving /var and/or /usr to own zfs filesystem

Christopher X. Candreva chris at westnet.com
Wed Sep 4 19:24:00 UTC 2013

On Wed, 4 Sep 2013, Richard Jones wrote:

> > I know this is possible, because I have an oi 151a6 machine running
> > with /var and /usr as saparate filesystems on the zfs rpool. However I
> > did it I can't remember and can't find whatever instructions I used,
> > because I'm trying again on another install and failing.

> I'm guessing that you remember to set the zfs mountpoint as "legacy" and
> the added it to /etc/vfstab?

No, I did not. However the machine that IS running doesn't have it set to 
legacy either. (And checking, it's just /var -- what I thought was /usr is 
an artifact of how I created /usr/local

here is the output of df:

chris at Jubal:~$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      134G  2.1G  132G   2% /
swap                  8.5G 1008K  8.5G   1% /etc/svc/volatile
                      134G  2.1G  132G   2% /lib/libc.so.1
                      132G  400M  132G   1% /var
swap                  8.5G  8.0K  8.5G   1% /tmp
swap                  8.5G   40K  8.5G   1% /var/run
rpool/home            132G   36M  132G   1% /home
rpool                 132G   46K  132G   1% /rpool
rpool/usr             132G   32K  132G   1% /rpool/usr
rpool/usr/local       132G   31K  132G   1% /rpool/usr/local

chris at Jubal:~$ zfs get mountpoint rpool/ROOT/openindiana/var
NAME                        PROPERTY    VALUE       SOURCE
rpool/ROOT/openindiana/var  mountpoint  /var        local

I'm wondering if the fact that I made it under ROOT/openindiana is why it 
"just works". 

(This is NOT a production system, just a test install I made and left 
running to see how stable it would be on this hardware).

Thanks to both of you, I'll run a few more tests. I am guessing the problem 
with the way I did it is that it will still make different var volumes 
(paritions ? zfs's ?) for each BE ?  

What is the dounside of using legacy mounts and /etc/vfstab ?

I'm thinking now about just leaving /usr and only separating /var (and 
usr/local) to their own filesystems. My reasons for /var is simply to be 
able to separate out the space consumed by log files and everything else. In 
fact, I've thought about making var/spool it's own file system for a long 
time for similar reasons: Large mail run doesn't stop logging, and 

Chris Candreva  -- chris at westnet.com -- (914) 948-3162
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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