[OpenIndiana-discuss] LACP between OpenIndiana and a Cisco C3560: only some traffic passes.

Antony Brooke-Wood abrookewood at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 09:22:03 UTC 2013

Hi Udo,

I had the switch in access mode already (though I did try to force it as a
trunk out of frustration). The switch config is as follows:
interface Port-channel10
 description ARC01_LACP
 switchport mode access
interface GigabitEthernet0/41
 description ARC01_LACP
 switchport mode access
 channel-group 10 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet0/42
 description ARC01_LACP
 switchport mode access
 channel-group 10 mode active

Switch shows:
SW01#show lacp 10 internal
Channel group 10
                            LACP port     Admin     Oper    Port        Port
Port      Flags   State     Priority      Key       Key     Number
Gi0/41    SP      bndl      32768         0xA       0xA     0x12A
Gi0/42    SP      bndl      32768         0xA       0xA     0x12B

SW01#show lacp 10 neighbor
Channel group 10 neighbors
Partner's information:
                  LACP port                        Admin  Oper   Port
Port      Flags   Priority  Dev ID          Age    key    Key    Number
Gi0/41    SA      4096      6805.ca11.19a6   8s    0x0    0x3EA  0x4
Gi0/42    SA      4096      6805.ca11.19a6   5s    0x0    0x3EA  0x5

Port: Gi0/42

Port state    = Up Mstr Assoc In-Bndl
Channel group = 10          Mode = Passive         Gcchange = -
Port-channel  = Po10        GC   =   -             Pseudo port-channel =
Port index    = 0           Load = 0x00            Protocol =   LACP

Flags:  S - Device is sending Slow LACPDUs   F - Device is sending fast
        A - Device is in active mode.        P - Device is in passive mode.

Local information:
                            LACP port     Admin     Oper    Port        Port
Port      Flags   State     Priority      Key       Key     Number
Gi0/42    SP      bndl      32768         0xA       0xA     0x12B

Partner's information:

                  LACP port                        Admin  Oper   Port
Port      Flags   Priority  Dev ID          Age    key    Key    Number
Gi0/42    SA      4096      6805.ca11.19a6   6s    0x0    0x3EA  0x5

Age of the port in the current state: 0d:00h:17m:42s

The LACPDU speeds are already in synch (both set to slow/long).
I had both side set to active, but I've changed it to passive on the switch
side (no change).
I previously had the policy set only to L4, but I've changed it to L2,L3,L4
(no change).

What I really don't understand is how I got a DHCP address across the link,
but can't do anything else.

Any other ideas?


Antony Brooke-Wood
Mobile: +61 404 460 326

On 10 September 2013 18:42, Udo Grabowski (IMK) <udo.grabowski at kit.edu>wrote:

> On 10/09/2013 10:14, Antony Brooke-Wood wrote:
>> I am running OpenIndiana (oi_151a8) and have two NICs aggregated using
>> connected to a Cisco WS-C3560G-48TS. Both the server and the switch show
>> the aggregate link as up. But while link layer traffic is visible ('snoop'
>> shows ARP requests etc), I can not pass any IP traffic (ping, ssh all
>> fail). The really strange thing is that the aggregate link can obtain a
>> DHCP address, which provides the correct gateway etc. My initial thoughts
>> were that there was a problem with the VLAN configuration, but the switch
>> is running everything on VLAN1. I also tried explicitly adding this on
>> both
>> ends, but without success (OI won't let me configure a VLAN with the
>> native
>> VLAN). Any ideas?
> The switch should have its ports also in a LACP group, and this
> group should be VLAN access, not a trunk port, otherwise you have
> to create a vlan aggr on your host also (which makes no real sense
> if you only access this subnet on the host). You may also set the
> policy to all layers (-P L2,L3,L4), LACPDU speed should match. We
> usually prefer to set the switch to passive and host to active
> mode:
> interface GigabitEthernet0/14
>  switchport access vlan yyyy
>  switchport mode access
>  channel-group 10 mode passive
> If you see
> switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
> switchport trunk allowed vlan yyyy
> switchport mode trunk
> you have a trunk port, not an access port.
> Port: Gi0/14
> ------------
> Port state    = Up Mstr Assoc In-Bndl
> Channel group = 10          Mode = Passive         Gcchange = -
> Port-channel  = Po10        GC   =   -             Pseudo port-channel =
> Po10
> Port index    = 0           Load = 0x00            Protocol =   LACP
> Flags:  S - Device is sending Slow LACPDUs   F - Device is sending fast
>         A - Device is in active mode.        P - Device is in passive mode.
> Local information:
>                             LACP port     Admin     Oper    Port
>  Port
> Port      Flags   State     Priority      Key       Key     Number
>  State
> Gi0/14    SP      bndl      32768         0xA       0xA     0xE
> 0x3C
> Partner's information:
>                   LACP port                        Admin  Oper   Port
>  Port
> Port      Flags   Priority  Dev ID          Age    key    Key    Number
>  State
> Gi0/14    SA      4096      0014.4f01.ddd2  28s    0x0    0x3E9  0x4
> 0x3D
> Age of the port in the current state: 692d:17h:49m:29s
> --
> Dr.Udo Grabowski    Inst.f.Meteorology a.Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
> www.imk-asf.kit.edu/english/**sat.php<http://www.imk-asf.kit.edu/english/sat.php>
> KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology            http://www.kit.edu
> Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany  T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026
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