[OpenIndiana-discuss] Need help decoding fmd fault/error

Scott LeFevre slefevre at indy.rr.com
Tue Aug 5 13:53:07 UTC 2014

> Do those HBAs have Marvell controllers? I'd heard they behaved
> 'poorly' and they're generally not recommended, but I don't have any
> references to hand.

Yes, the HBAs in question do have Marvell controllers.  As for how they
behave, I really can't complain.  I've used them for three years and
haven't had any issues until very recently.

My situation appears to be that 
1) a drive started to fail and I left it running for too long which
affected the HBA 
2) a port on the HBA has been failing which caused the drive to fail 
3) a combination of the two.  

What ever the cause, I have a dead drive and an HBA that won't work with
any drive for more then a few hours before the drive starts to fault.  I
can move that same drive to the mother board SATA controller and it runs

Since I've gotten my moneys worth out of the HBAs and the drives, I'm
upgrading to a LSI SAS 9207 and (6) Seagate Constellation 3TB ES.2
ST33000650SS drives.  Any known issues with this choice of hardware?

Scott LeFevre

On Mon, 2014-08-04 at 20:23 +0100, Chris Ridd wrote:

> On 31 Jul 2014, at 22:00, Scott LeFevre <slefevre at indy.rr.com> wrote:
> > *** Up front, my apologizes for this long post but I found that most
> > forums will ask for more detail so I thought I try to provide it up
> > front. ***
> > 
> > I have a server at home running oi 151a9 and arrived home to find the
> > system locked up.  Keyboard and network unresponsive. So I rebooted.
> > 
> > As a quick aside, a little background on this box.  Its running a
> > SuperMicro X8SAX mother board with two SuperMicro MV88SX6081 8-port SATA
> > II PCI-X Controllers for several years.  Between the two controllers, I
> Do those HBAs have Marvell controllers? I'd heard they behaved 'poorly' and they're generally not recommended, but I don't have any references to hand.
> Chris
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